eBay Sales

Individual & Small Quantities of Items
We make it easy to sell unwanted items.Bring your item to our shop, or give us a call. We can estimate the “eBay value” based on similar items that have sold.We will review our fees, collect relevant information, and store the item. You do not pay any upfront fees.

Your item is then listed on eBay with professional-looking photos and a well written description. After the item sells, we ship it to the buyer and mail a check to you for the selling price minus our fees. If the item does not sell, we can re-list it, or you pick it up and pay nothing. It’s that simple.

Large Quantity of Items
Clean out that back-room, aisle-way, old warehouse, garage or basement.Whether you are a large corporation, small business, retail store, or homeowner, we make it easy to convert unwanted assets to cash. See examples of common business liquidations and personal liquidations.

We come to your location, inspect the items you want to sell and review our fees. We can assist in transporting items to our warehouse. Once there, the items enter our typical liquidation process.

Common Business Asset Liquidations

  1. Product consignments – stray and odd products left over from displays or evaluations, reconditioned products, blemished products, modified products, excess component inventory.
  2. Equipment consignments – used production equipment, used test equipment, used office equipment and furniture, used tools, used farm and lawn equipment, incorrectly-purchased equipment.
  3. Store closeouts and excess inventory – sale items, unsold sale items, slow-moving merchandise, seasonal items, outdated items, overstock items, buy-out items.

Common Personal Asset Liquidations

  1. Moving sale – sell those items that you don’t want to take with you or no longer need.
  2. Bankruptcy sale – liquidate assets to pay off creditors either before filing for bankruptcy, or in accordance with bankruptcy court orders.
  3. Family member belongings sale – quickly and discreetly sell select belongings of a deceased family member.
  4. Estate sale – quickly sell all or select physical assets of the estate.

Please view our eBay Sales FAQ page for more information.

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